Sunday, October 23, 2011

The Plan

Well, it's happened. Something we never really anticipated.

We have outgrown our home, our beloved "Under the Red Tin Roof."

A few weeks ago when we were in Sunday school, during prayer requests and announcements, I asked for prayer for selling our house.

When asked why we were selling, which was the nicest way and tone we'd been asked, our answer was simple. We need more room, specifically a school room.

It wasn't a thought when we built the house. It wasn't part of the plan. To my, "This was our dream house. We never wanted to move." Our comedic friend quipped, "And you wouldn't have, if it hadn't been for those meddling kids!" Ha!

This wasn't the plan. We planned for me to be a stay-at-home-mom since we began courting. We knew that was the plan. Then, when the very last baby entered kindergarten, I would be returning to work teaching. That was the plan.

Then, something happened that change the course of our lives. The test said, "Pregnant."

Something inside me triggered that said, "Five years isn't enough!" Actually, that is an understatement. Every fiber of my being seemed to scream, "Five years isn't enough!"

And, over the last almost six years, my husband has come to the same conclusion.

So, here we are, in a home that we had planned to be in until we went to our heavenly reward, but we clearly see that God is calling us to move.

We simply need more room. More room to grow. More room to learn. More room to spread out books, papers, projects. More room to create. More room to make a mess.

Somewhere we can work in, learn, and close the door on when the day is through and not have to pack up everyday.

We're in no rush. No deadline to meet. Just a calling to follow. A test of faith. Leaving what is familiar and  comfortable for the new and unknown.

And I don't like the new and unknown until it becomes familiar and comfortable. At which point, God calls us to the new and unknown. Again.

So, here we go. Letting go so that we can grow.

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes what we want and what God wants for us are 2 different things. Obviously ya'll have followed His will thus far, so He'll lead you to the best house possible (BTW..there are like 4 in my neighborhood..just saying).

    LOVE Ya!
